
Offre 63 sur 474 du 24/07/2024, 12:36


IFW Dres­den e.V.

Das Leib­niz-Insti­tut für Fest­kör­per- und Werk­stoff­for­schung Dres­den e.V. (Leib­niz-IFW Dres­den) ist ein außer­uni­ver­si­tä­res For­schungs­in­sti­tut und Mit­glied der Leib­niz-Gemein­schaft. Das Insti­tut beschäf­tigt durch­schnitt­lich 600 Mit­ar­bei­ter und wid­met sich neben sei­nen wis­sen­schaft­li­chen Auf­ga­ben der För­de­rung des wis­sen­schaft­li­chen und tech­ni­schen Nach­wuch­ses. Auf höchs­tem inter­na­tio­na­lem Niveau betreibt das IFW moderne Werk­stoff­wis­sen­schaft auf natur­wis­sen­schaft­li­cher Grund­lage und macht die gewon­ne­nen Ergeb­nisse für die Wirt­schaft nutz­bar. Die kom­plexe und inter­dis­zi­pli­näre For­schungs­ar­beit wird inner­halb des IFW von fünf wis­sen­schaft­li­chen Insti­tu­ten geleis­tet, die darin von einer hoch­ent­wi­ckel­ten tech­ni­schen Infra­struk­tur unter­stützt wer­den. Das IFW unter­stützt seine Beschäf­tig­ten dabei, Beruf und Fami­lie mit­ein­an­der zu ver­ein­ba­ren und stellt sich regel­mä­ßig dem Audit beru­f­und­fa­mi­lie®. Wei­tere Infor­ma­tio­nen unter

PhD position 042-24-2506

Stabilization of Thermoelectric Materials using Atomic Layer Deposition

Working field:

The Institute for Metallic Materials (Prof. K. Nielsch) of the IFW Dresden offers a Ph.D. position (m/f/d) on the following topic: Stabilization of Thermoelectric Materials using Atomic Layer Deposition.

They will work on the interface engineering of selected thermoelectric materials for improving their stabil-ity using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). The well-defined and surface-limited chemical reactions of the ALD processes lead to layers with the ideal stoichiometry and conformal growth on non-planar surfaces like thermoelectric powders. The thermoelectric performance and long-term stability of modified materials will be tailored to understand the effect of interface engineering on the selected TE system. Further de-tails on this Ph.D. project:

  • Development of new ALD formulation for metals and oxides in collaboration with our partners (Low-Temperature ALD process with high conformality) based on the necessity in TE society.
  • Structural characterization of developed films and TE materials using different characterization techniques such as XRD, XPS, SEM, TEM, ToF-ERDA, etc.
  • Electrical and thermal transport characterization of modified TE compounds using standard techniques like LSR, LFA, etc.
  • Integration and testing of the modified thermoelectric materials in thermoelectric modules.


We are seeking highly motivated applicants with a Master's or Diploma degree in solid-state physics, materials science, inorganic or physical chemistry, nanoscience, or a related field. Candidates should have a keen interest in interdisciplinary research, a desire to engage with the ALD community and thermoelectric society, and a creative approach to contributing ideas. Applicants with experience in thermoelectric materials are particularly encouraged to apply. Proficiency in spoken and written English is required.

What we offer:

The first contract is scheduled to start in November 2024 and is limited to 1 year, an extension for another 2 years is possible. We support and strongly encourage the Ph.D. candidates to perform a research stay of max 6 months abroad. Ph.D. candidates are facilitated to participate in the Ph.D. program to complete their dissertation. The position is remunerated according to TVL E13 (part-time 70%) and we offer an attractive workplace with excellent facilities and environment in Dresden. IFW Dresden strives for a balanced gender ratio in all areas. In science, IFW Dresden would like to increase the proportion of women and therefore explicitly invites suitably qualified female scientists to apply. The application of severely disabled persons is explicitly welcome.

How to apply:

Application including a CV, a motivation letter describing the research career goals, skills, and experience, copies of all certificates should be sent citing the reference number 42-24-2506 no later than August 31st, 2024 online as a single pdf-file to:

For further information, please contact: Dr. Amin Bahrami (