
Offer 171 out of 328 from 03/03/25, 08:29


Leib­niz-Zen­trum für Agrar­land­schafts­for­schung e.V. - HR

The mission of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) as a nationally and internationally active research institute is to deliver solutions for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable agriculture – together with society. ZALF is a member of the Leibniz Association and is located in Müncheberg (approx. 35 minutes by regional train from Berlin-Lichtenberg). The institute also maintains locations in Dedelow and Paulinenaue.

Student Assistance (f/m/d)

The Isotope Biogeochemistry and Gas Fluxes (IBG) working group at ZALF investigates the flow of substances and water within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) of agricultural landscapes. The group combines isotope techniques, gas flux measurement methods, and plant physiological studies to explore key environmental processes.

The aim of the NemGem project is to reduce nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3) emissions in field vegetable cultivation, which are mainly caused by crop residues with a high nitrogen content. A novel approach is to upgrade the crop residues by means of composting, ensiling and fermentation and then returning them to the field as fertilizer. This initiative is a collaborative effort with three external partners: Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) e.V., and the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (Großbeeren; Erfurt). The project is funded by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE).

We are offering part-time position (40 hours per month) temporarily limited for 6 months at our location in Müncheberg as Student Assistance (f/m/d).

Working field:

  • Support a PhD field experiment by collecting GHG samples, applying upgraded crop residues as fertilizer, and maintaining GHG monitoring field sites using an NFT-NSS chamber system.
  • Conduct fieldwork to collect and analyze N20 and NH3 samples as well as soil samples.


  • Currently enrolled as a Bachelor’s or master’s students in agriculture sciences, environmental Science, forestry, horticulture, or a related field.
  • Experience or interest in fieldwork related agricultural studies, including knowledge of GHG’s sampling techniques and analysis, is a plus.
  • independent, structured way of working with strong organizational skills
  • having a class B driving license is desirable
  • willingness to participate in fieldwork campaigns, including multi-day site visits
  • fluent in English, with basic proficiency in German

What we offer:

  • salary according to the usual hourly rates for student assistants in Brandenburg
  • an interdisciplinary working environment that encourages independence and self-reliance
  • a collegial and open-minded working atmosphere in dynamic research institution
  • Learning to operate various field measurement devices specifically is GHGs emission through a non-flow-through non-steady-state (NFT-NSS) manual closed chamber system.
  • opportunity to write a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis as part of the project

How to apply:

Women are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications from severely disabled persons with equal qualifications are favored. The filling of the position in part-time is possible in principle. Please send your application preferably online (see button online application below). For e-mail applications, create a PDF document (one PDF file, max. 5 MB; packed PDF documents, archive files like zip, rar etc. Word documents cannot be processed and therefore cannot be considered!) with the usual documents, in particular CV, proof of qualification and certificates, stating the reference number 15-2025 until 15.03.2025 to (see button e-mail application below).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Dr. Mathias Hoffmann or BandanaShri Rai
For cost reasons, application documents or extensive publications can only be returned if an adequately stamped envelope is attached.

If you apply, we collect and process your personal data in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the EU GDPR only for the processing of your application and for purposes that result from possible future employment with the ZALF. Your data wilSl be deleted after six months.