
Offer 45 out of 479 from 25/07/24, 13:30


Technische Universität Berlin - Faculty II - Institute of Optics and Atomic Physics / Terahertz and Laser Spectroscopy

Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:

Research Assistant - salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen

Part-time employment may be possible

Working field:

The research tasks are focusing on investigating different technological concepts for the realization of a compact, space prove, as much as possible chip-integrated Terahertz Time-Domain spectroscopy set-up and are part of a project within the frame of the DFG priority program „INtegrated TERahErtz sySTems Enabling Novel Functionality (INTEREST)“.

The tasks include:
(i) investigations into the space readiness of key components,
(ii) realization and characterization of different electro-optic concepts for the detection of Terahertz waveforms based on the principle of spectral decoding,
(iii) benchmarking of different, within the frame of the project developed, Time-Domain spectroscopy set-ups utilizing suitable planetary materials such as minerals or salts.


  • Successfully completed scientific university degree (Master, Diplom or equivalent) in physics or a related field
  • Fundamental knowledge in applied Optics
  • Hands on experience with femtosecond lasers
  • Good knowledge of German and/or English required; willingness to acquire the respective missing language skills


  • Capability to work in an interdisciplinary, international team
  • First practical experiences in programming with Python or LabVIEW and with applications of laser spectroscopy in planetary research are of advantage

For further information, please contact Prof Dr Michael Gensch (Tel.: +49 (0)30 314-26644, e-mail:

How to apply:

Please send your application with the reference number and the appropriate documents (combined in a single pdf file, max 5 MB) by email to Prof. Dr. Michael Gensch (

By submitting your application via email you consent to having your data electronically processed and saved. Please note that we do not provide a guarantee for the protection of your personal data when submitted as unprotected file. Please find our data protection notice acc. DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation) at the TU staff department homepage:

To ensure equal opportunities between women and men, applications by women with the required qualifications are explicitly desired. Qualified individuals with disabilities will be favored. The TU Berlin values the diversity of its members and is committed to the goals of equal opportunities.

Technische Universität Berlin - Die Präsidentin - Fakultät II, Institut für Optik und Atomare Physik, Prof. Dr. Michael Gensch, Sekr. ER 1-1, Hardenbergstraße 36, 10623 Berlin