
Offer 369 out of 479 from 02/07/24, 10:48


Technische Universität Berlin - Faculty VI - Institute of Applied Geosciences - Chair of Applied Geochemistry

Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:

University Professorship - BesGr. W3

for the Chair of "Applied Geochemistry of Terrestrial Systems".

The professorship is to be funded by the federal and state governments' Program for Female Professors to promote gender equality in science and research at higher education institutions in Germany. The Program for Female Professors promotes the first appointment of women to professorships (in this case: the first appointment of a W3 professorship) and thus aims to increase the proportion of women in leading positions in research.
The professorship is offered pending the provision of funding.

Working field:

Applied Geochemistry of Terrestrial Systems covers an innovative field of research at the interface of fundamental, applied and technological research on urgent future challenges. The Berlin-Brandenburg research landscape offers unique networking opportunities in research and teaching (e.g. Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Potsdam, Bundesanstalt für Materialfor-schung und -prüfung, Umweltbundesamt).

The envisaged research domains are diverse and are applied in all areas where geochemical methods are used to address socially-relevant issues. The main focus is on terrestrial sys-tems, in particular those that address the transport, containment, and immobilization of sub-stances that are hazardous to health or the environment, as well as topics related to energy and resources. Possible research areas include:

  • Heat and mass storage in the underground
  • Geothermal energy systems
  • Geochemical cycles in urban areas
  • Safety of nuclear repositories, groundwater protection, and remediation of contami-nated sites with a focus on fluid/solid interactions
  • Extraction, recycling, reuse, and/or exploration of strategic raw materials/raw materi-als for the energy transition
  • Climate research: paleo reconstructions and prediction, including the impact of climate change on material cycles
  • Assimilation and modeling of geochemical data on large (global) scales

The methods can encompass all aspects of fieldwork, analytical methodologies, experimental work, modeling, and the use of AI-based applications, as long as they demonstrate a clear applied character – ideally within the framework of integrated approaches.

The successful candidate is expected to further develop the modern mineralogi-cal/geochemical laboratory for microanalysis (Magma Lab) with WD-XRF, µXRF, 9kW-µXRD, laser ICP/MS (triple quad) and thin section lab and enhance it with innovative analyti-cal and experimental methods.

The teaching commitment is 9 course hours per week instructed in German. The courses cover the fundamentals of geosciences (e.g. Earth system, petrology, fieldwork, and mapping courses) and advanced instruction on geochemistry and systematic-analytic methods in fluid and solid state analysis.

Further responsibilities include leading and managing the chair and its staff; supporting the advancement of junior scholars, women, and diversity; knowledge and technology transfer; initiatives to promote internationalization; gender and diversity competence and sustainability-oriented action; as well as committee work.


Candidates must fulfill the requirements under Section 100 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG). These include a university degree in geoscience or a related discipline; an aptitude for scientific work (generally demonstrated by the quality of the applicant’s doctorate); additional academic achievements (generally demonstrated by a positively evaluated junior professorship, “Habilitation” or other achievements equivalent to the “Habilitation”); as well as an aptitude for teaching (demonstrated in a teaching portfolio; for further information, please see

We are particularly interested in candidates with sound expertise in geochemistry/mineralogy/petrology and excellent knowledge of one or more of the subjects listed above, demonstrated by publications in high-raking journals and ideally through the acquisition of external funding and implementation of projects funded by third parties. Furthermore, candidates are expected to have broad knowledge in methodical-laboratory analytics (inorganic solid matter and/or fluid analysis) and experience in lab work/lab management. Experience with experimental work, modeling (equilibrium, kinetics, global data sets, or similar) and in field work is advantageous. It is important to illustrate the integration of these research areas and methods into an innovative, applied research approach with the potential for results to be transferred to other groups/disciplines.

Technische Universität Berlin requires professors to be willing and able to assume responsibility for the management and strategic development of their chair and staff. In particular, this includes an understanding of the special responsibility of creating gender and diversity-sensitive work and study conditions. The position also requires the willingness and ability to advance junior scholars, women, and social diversity as well as to contribute to academic self-governance. The willingness and ability to provide new ideas for internationalization and sustainability-oriented action in research and teaching is expected. Experience with initiatives in science communication and knowledge and technology transfer is desirable.

As a university with an international profile, we require our professors to have excellent English-language skills and very much welcome applications from candidates whose first language is not German. The successful candidate will be expected to have a command of German or be willing to learn the language as quickly as possible; this is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the job posting (minimum C1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

It is not possible to offer the position as two part-time professorships.

How to apply:

Technische Universität Berlin is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and actively encourages applications from suitably qualified female candidates. Preference will be given to applicants with severe disabilities who equally fulfill the requirements of the position. TU Berlin values the diversity of its members and is committed to equality of opportunity. We are a certified family-friendly university and our Dual Career Service can assist you and your family with your move to Berlin.

Please submit your application in German or English quoting the reference with the following documents: CV, certificates, concept for research and teaching, teaching portfolio, list of acquired external funding, and a publications list highlighting which five publications you regard as the most significant. Your application must be sent by email as a single PDF file to Electronic documents submitted using cloud services such as WeTransfer or Dropbox cannot be accepted. Please address your application to Technische Universität Berlin – Die Präsidentin –, Dekanin der Fakultät VI Planen Bauen Umwelt, Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin.

TU Berlin is taking steps to make appointment procedures more equitable and has created a form to take academic age into account in appointment procedures as part of a pilot project. The form is to be regularly used in procedures from early 2023. You can download the form (Excel file) from the following website:

Please send an email to for further information concerning the formal application process. Specific questions relating to the position should also be sent to this address so that they can be forwarded to the chair of the appointment committee.

By submitting your application via email you consent to having your data electronically processed and saved. Please note that we cannot guarantee the protection of your personal data when submitted as an unprotected file. You can find information on data protection law regarding the processing of your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the website of the human resources department:

The vacancy is also advertised online at: