
Angebot 286 von 376 vom 16.01.2025, 10:38


Leib­niz-Insti­tut für Agrar­tech­nik und Bio­öko­no­mie e.V. (ATB)

Das Leib­niz-Insti­tut für Agrar­tech­nik und Bio­öko­no­mie e. V. (ATB) ist Pio­nier und Trei­ber der Bio­öko­no­mie­for­schung. Wir schaf­fen wis­sen­schaft­li­che Grund­la­gen für die Trans­for­ma­tion von Agrar-, Lebens­mit­tel-, Indus­trie- und Ener­gie­sys­te­men in eine umfas­sende bio­ba­sierte Kreis­lauf­wirt­schaft.
Wir ent­wi­ckeln und inte­grie­ren Tech­nik, Ver­fah­ren und Manage­ment­stra­te­gien im Sinne kon­ver­gie­ren­der Tech­no­lo­gien, um hoch­di­verse bio­öko­no­mi­sche Pro­duk­ti­ons­sys­teme intel­li­gent zu ver­net­zen und wis­sens­ba­siert, adap­tiv und weit­ge­hend auto­ma­ti­siert zu steu­ern.
Wir for­schen im Dia­log mit der Gesell­schaft – erkennt­nis­mo­ti­viert und anwen­dungs­in­spi­riert.

Student assistant Plant Microbiome (m/f/d)

The following position is to be filled for the BMBF-funded collaborative project "Diversification of cropping systems for the one health of soils, plants and humans (DCropS4OneHealth)"

Working field:

In the field of agrobiodiversity, the DCropS4OneHealth project aims to identify causal relationships between how the diversification of crop production systems affects biodiversity in the agricultural landscape, health-relevant properties of field produce and human health. The position is assigned to ATB's Technology Assessment Department in close collaboration with the Department Data Science in Bioeconomy. External partners are the Teaching and Research Station for Animal Breeding and Husbandry (LVAT), the University of Potsdam, the Leibniz Institute for Plant Biochemistry (IPB), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

Your responsibilities

  • Scientific work in the project’s work package on the plant microbiome
  • Support in carrying out the on-farm field experiment including taking plant samples
  • Isolation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from plant samples
  • Application of molecular biological methods for the detection of the microbial diversity (high-
    throughput sequencing)
  • Bioinformatic data analysis (including application of multivariate statistics)


Your professional qualification profile

  • Very good Bachelor degree in the fields of microbiology, agricultural sciences, environmental sciences
    or related subjects
  • High interest in an interdisciplinary research topic at the interface of agronomy and microbial ecology
  • Very good knowledge of standard microbiological/molecular biology techniques (DNA/RNA isolation,
    PCR techniques, (high-throughput) sequencing)
  • Knowledge of bioinformatic data analysis (e.g. with BioNumerics, ARB, R) is an advantage
  • Profound German and English skills
  • High interest in science, experimental field work and laboratory work
  • Ability to analyse and understand complex topics
  • Ability to work in a team, reliability, flexibility, commitment and ability to work independently
  • EU-driving license class B is an advantage

What we offer:

We offer you

  • An attractive, interdisciplinary working environment in a team of experienced and young scientists
    and technicians
  • Excellent infrastructure for carrying out scientific work
  • Achievement of a Master degree within the project
  • Option to contribute to scientific publications
  • Access to national and international networks for your scientific career
  • Family-friendly working conditions

How to apply:

The position is to be filled with max.38 hours per month and a salary of 13,83 Euros per hour. The position will start on 1st March 2025. The duration is flexible to a maximum of 2 years.

For further information please contact Dr. Lena Simon (E-Mail: and visit our website

If you would like to contribute your expertise to our interdisciplinary research, we look forward to receiving your detailed application documents as one PDF document. Your application should include a strong motivation letter, a detailed CV, your Bachelor certificate with grades and the current available overview of your Master courses and grades.

Please apply, using the online application form for the job advertisement,
reference code 2025-1-TA-MBEE at The job interviews are planned for February 2025.
Equality of opportunity is part of our personnel policy. Disabled applicants with adequate qualification will be preferentially considered.
By submitting an application, you agree that your job application documents will be stored for a period of six months, even in the case of an unsuccessful application. Further information on the processing, storage and protection of your personal data can be found at

Published on 13.01.2024